R.I.P Holly

Hey readers, How's things? As you can tell from the title, I lost my second heart rat, Holly. Yesterday I made the immensley hard decision to put Holly to sleep after she was battling a series of very aggressive chest infections and old age. Holly suffered a lot with infections and we suspect it to be due to bad stock. It was horrible to see her so sickly her whole life. When I rescued Holly and her sister, Polly in January earlier this year, you all know I wasn't supposed to be keeping them as permanent residents, but I am so so glad I did. Holly and Polly opened my eyes to how incredible rats were. Polly was extra cheeky but Holly was reserved and mellow and really kept to herself. When Polly passed, me and Holly stuck together like glue and I fell in love with her all over again. Holly became very very loving and affectionate and really came out her shell. I'm glad I got to spend time with Holly on a one-to-one basis as when Polly was alive she was such...