Mongolian Gerbil Care

General Information: The most commonly kept pet gerbils are Mongolian. As their name suggests, they’re found in Mongolia. Gerbils are a social burrowing rodent and live in groups known as ‘clans’. They have an average lifespan of 2-3 years but ages up to 8 years have been reported - we’ve only known 5 years. Mongolian gerbils are largely diurnal, meaning most active during the day, however, they can exhibit crepuscular behaviour, meaning most active around dusk and dawn. They're an omnivorous rodent, meaning their diet consists of both plant-based and meat-based materials. You can follow us on social media: Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter To learn more about us, visit our website You can donate to us via our Paypal , Amazon Wishlist , Patreon , GoFundMe and Hay Experts Wishlist For any other enquiries, please email Care: Housing/Enrichment: Mongolian ge...