
Remy was surrendered into our care with a range of complex medical issues. He was being treated/managed in his previous home for moderate chronic respiratory disease; including being unable to come off enrofloxacin without his symptoms worsening (increased dyspnea, weight loss, and audible respiration) within a matter of days (he may have been immunocompromised). He apparently had respiratory symptoms were also attributable to congestive heart failure (CHF) as well. On top of that, Remy had abnormal urinalysis readings suggestive of urinary/renal issues. He was on a low dose of Frusemide given his renal issues and not wanting to put too much pressure onto his kidneys.

Remy's health became unmanageable in his previous home when he also developed maloccluded incisors meaning he would likely need ongoing intermittent incisor burring.

Remy continued with his antibiotics, renal supplements, and was also introduced to supportive soft-food feeds. We also booked Remy in to be admitted to the vets for incisor burring. In the meantime, Remy needed companionship. We decided to bond Remy to Thor - another dental resident rat at the time.

Whilst Remy was under general anaesthesia, the vet commented about poor elasticity of Remy's chest. It was advised he was booked in for radiographs to see if there was evidence of a mass.

X-Rays highlighted evidence of pulmonary pathology; reduced thoracic space and asymmetry. Granuloma or mass couldn't be ruled out.

After imaging, with there being no evidence of fluid on the lungs, diuretics discontinued. Remy was also introduced to nebulising therapy with hypertonic saline and corticosteroids. We were made aware that care may be palliative.

During this time, Thor sadly passed away from a likely pulmonary embolism. Remy was then introduced to 3-legged sanctuary rat, Bumble.

Remy and Bumble got on extremely well as they both had very placid and loving personalities.

Unfortunately, Remy developed tachypnea and increased dyspnea, so steroid dose was increased. During his final weeks of life, Remy also suffered from skin lesions and abscesses.

As we'd already been warned, the time came when Remy's needs became unmanageable, and his quality of life was rapidly deteriorating.

The decision was made to have Remy humanely euthanised on the 26th of May 2020.


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