We Had Babies!

Yup! From the title you probably guessed what I'm writing about today.
I'd like to start off by apologizing for my absence. It is no secret that the reason I began helping animals is due to my illness. I've become very sick this winter so whatever energy I do have is being spent on my animals - so I've slipped on my social media a little. It is only short term, though! I am starting lots of new things this new year to hopefully make things a little better!
I'd like to thank my Mum and Partner for stepping in too and providing 5 star care for our furries! With that being said, I'll start talking about the gerbils now.
We were asked to assist on a rescue of around 10 gerbils, we were going to be the middle man until the forever homes were ready - that didn't happen and plans fell through.
The rescue quickly turned into many more gerbils.
A backyard breeder had began breeding a pair of gerbils, and then sadly he didn't know what he was doing and 1 litter quickly turned to 2. He was rehoming the parents, remaining babies from the first litter and the entire accidental litter at only 3 weeks old.
When we stepped in we correctly sexed everyone and kept the gerbils on watch - the conditions were disgusting! We have never had such untame gerbils before.
Luna, the Mother was still happily nursing her babies - within a few days of her being here, she surprised us with a third litter. We weren't sure how she would do with having so many back-to-back pregnancy's so so young. She was also very underweight which was another concern.
Thankfully, Luna did phenomenal and raised 5 beautiful babies now named Flint, Fleur, Flo, Fredrick and Roderick.
The Father to the litters, Lupin, lives with his son Sirius from the first litter (I understand this is all very confusing).
The Uncle, Fred, lives with his nephew George - who is also from the first litter.
The final son from the first litter lives alone sadly as he was grouped in with all females when he was rescued. No other males would accept him and Mike was showing signs of quite severe aggression. I wasn't prepared to risk it with any other gerbil and Mike adapted well to life alone. Please note we do not normally recommend gerbils being kept alone, though there are inevitably some instances in which it cannot be helped.
Luna is now living with her daughter, Zizzi, from her second litter. She can finally relax now after raising so many babies. Zizzi's brothers Pickley, Johnson and Mo share a tank with each other happily too.
Last but not least in this very confusing story, all the babies made it and are now living in sexed groups.
This is one of the biggest rescues we have ever done but we are so so glad we all pushed through. Thank you to everyone who has ever donated toys and other things, it's so very kind of you. We are so so thrilled to have as much support as we do, it means the absolute world.
Keep up with everyone on our Instagram: bacchusresidents

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