
Hello Readers,

We wanted to give an in-depth post dedicated to losing Crumble a little while back.

First of all, we saw Crumble passing by in his cage carrying something in his pouches and didn't think anything of it - we assumed he would have been carrying food back to his bed, or something along them lines. We then saw him again a few hours later with his pouches filled but looking the same as he did a few hours before.
Andy and I decided to check him over, and sure enough he couldn't seem to shift whatever was in his pouch.

We took Crumble in the vets and they decided to try and help him remove the items within his pouch without surgical intervention, but with very little luck. He would need to have surgery to empty his pouch.

Crumble was booked in on the 24th of May (the next day) to have minor surgery to help resolve his impacted pouch. There was some risk, as with all surgery that Crumble may not respond well to anesthetic. He was an elder dwarf hamster so the risk was a lot greater, but the surgery was unavoidable.

Thankfully the surgery all went well, and Crumble did come round from the anesthetic. It was bedding that had impacted Crumble's pouch.
We collected Crumble and though admittedly he did look a little worse for wear, he was home safe and sound.
He began eating and drinking as normal and everything seemed fine.

Sadly, over the next few days Crumble didn't look his best and seemed to be struggling with his recovery, it had undoubtedly been a very stressful time for him

Crumble then developed foul smelling diarrhea and was very lethargic, he was taken straight to the vets. 
He was then diagnosed with gastroenteritis, a fatal illness in hamsters, and sent home with some medication - he was to come back for a check up in 2 days time. The odds were not in Crumble's favor.

Crumble did survive the 2 days but didn't show any improvements and was clearly in a bad way. It was then decided that it would be in his best interest to be put to sleep before he deteriorated any further. 

We were devastated to lose Crumble after everything he had gone through. We take comfort in knowing we did everything possible for Crumble and made all the right decisions, though luck was not on our side this time.
Good night Crumble, we still miss you.

Crumble crossed the rainbow bridge on the 5th of June 2017.
